Mother and Baby
20 products
Showing 1 - 20 of 20 products
Mother and Baby Solution - Nipple Balm, Skin Elastic, Bum Balm, Spritz For Bits & Nausea
Mother and baby products are designed for pregnant women or those who have recently given birth. These items are designed to make them and their babies feel maximum comfort during pregnancy and afterwards. Examples of this include nursing pillows, support belts, compression stockings, breast cups, and baby shampoos, lotions and creams.
Nursing pillows aid mothers who are breastfeeding their babies. The special cushions are wide with ridges that help the infant remain on the pillow and are designed to stretch across a woman’s lap while she reclines in the nursery chair. After women give birth their core strength will often be compromised for a time, but a support belt will aid them, minimising discomfort and lowering the chance of injury. These belts make it easier to perform basic daily activities and can also be worn during prenatal exercises.
Compression stockings are worn by women who are suffering from varicose veins, which are believed to result from growing hormones and uterus which occurs during pregnancy. These veins are purple in colour and might be warm or painful to the touch, but wearing compression stockings will prevent swelling while lowering the risk of edema. They also alleviate leg pain and pressure in the ankles.
Breasts cups make it easier for new mothers to breastfeed. They reduce soreness and will conserve each milk drop. They are comfortable to wear, feel soft on the skin and are discreet, and will protect nipples that are cracked. Best of all, they are simple to clean and can be reused. Some babies are born with hair or may grow it at an early age. Baby shampoo is designed specifically for children three years of age or younger. They are formulated in such a way where they won’t cause irritation to the eyes or scalp.
Baby lotions, creams and powders are designed to moisturise the skin of infants. They have a mild formulation and are designed to be non-irritating. A lot of these products contain mineral oil, which is an essential ingredient. All these products should be applied as directed with close supervision by an adult and those who have any questions should speak with their paediatrician.
This shampoo is usually made with non-ionic based ingredients, and is extensively reviewed by manufacturers before being brought to market. McDaid Pharmacy carries wide selection of premium mother and baby products, including My Expert Midwife Spritz for Bits, Nausea treatment, Nipple Balm and Elastic ointment.