3 products
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Here at ADM Protexin manufacturers of Bio-Kult, we are dedicated to producing innovative research-based products of the highest quality. Our unrivalled experience in manufacturing live bacteria products for over 25 years, together with quality assurance and accreditation, is second to none.
Quality assurance is of utmost importance to us and is implemented and maintained by our own in-house team, backed by an in-house Company Microbiologist and independent ISO 17025:2005 accredited microbiological and analytical laboratories. These carry out the analysis of our raw material and finished products. Certificates of Analysis are prepared for every batch of product and are available on request.
Our manufacturing facility is cGMP accredited (current Good Manufacturing Practice) by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency). We also hold ISO 9001:2015, UFAS (Universal Feed Assurance Scheme), FEMAS IS (Feed Materials Assurance Scheme, Intermediate Supplier) and NOPS (Naturally Occurring Prohibited Substances) accreditations. We have fully documented Quality Assurance, HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), Health and Safety and Hygiene policies, which form the basis of all our procedures and operations.
We have a full traceability programme and all raw material and finished product batches are subject to quality control analysis to ensure the best possible quality throughout the production cycle and for the whole shelf life of the product.
We operate an ongoing training programme with all of our production staff to ensure a highly skilled workforce. Our purpose built, state of the art manufacturing site includes temperature and humidity controlled rooms equipped with the latest machinery, giving us the capability to produce a wide variety of finished products.
All of our bacterial strains are fully identified and safe to use. The strains are all lodged at the National Collection for Industrial, Marine and Food Bacteria (a national culture collection bank) based in Aberdeen, UK, where we can ensure the safe reproducibility of the strain without genetic shift. The strains we use are also considered safe by the European Qualified Presumption of Safety Committee.
To ensure we remain at the forefront of the latest research we work with a number of leading research centres and universities both in the UK and around the world. This research allows us to further understand how our products can help improve health and contribute towards new and innovative products in the future.
The trillions of microflora that can be found in the human gastrointestinal tract play an essential role in supporting and maintaining strong immune and digestive systems, so having the optimum balance of these beneficial bacteria is important. A number of factors can compromise this balance, including antibiotic therapy, infection, stress, travel or a period of unhealthy nutrition or lifestyle. An effective solution is to supplement the microflora by taking a multi-strain live bacteria supplement to restore the balance.