Pregnancy Vitamins
6 products
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Conception & Pregnancy Vitamins - New Mum - Prenatal Vitamins, Supplements, Tablets and Nutrition in Pregnancy
Eating a healthy, varied diet in pregnancy will help you get most of the vitamins and minerals you need.
But when you're pregnant, or there's a chance you might get pregnant, it’s important to also take a folic acid supplement.
It's recommended that you take:
400 micrograms of folic acid every day – from before you're pregnant until you're 12 weeks pregnant
This is to reduce the risk of problems in the baby's development in the early weeks of pregnancy.
It is also recommended that you take a daily vitamin D supplement.
Do not take cod liver oil or any supplements containing vitamin A (retinol) when you're pregnant. Too much vitamin A could harm your baby. Always check the label.
You also need to know which foods to avoid in pregnancy.