Some Thoughts on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is excessive thoughts that lead to impulsive actions. This disorder is characterized by thoughts that are unreasonable, and it leads to compulsive and repetitive behaviors. The compulsive acts are efforts to reduce the stress and anxiety that a person feels. The disease usually centers itself around something like the fear of germs, and this leads to the compulsive hand washing rituals. Most people try to get the thoughts out of their heads, but the attempts failed, and it only makes them through their selves into their compulsive acts. This disorder leaves people in a constant and viscous cycle.

The obsessions tend to intrude into other normal thoughts that are usually unrelated to what is going on at the time. Symptoms include things having to always be in a neat order, aggressive thoughts about harming yourself, unwanted thoughts, and the fear of contamination. Most people try to avoid any situation that will cause them to have a trigger. Other symptoms include having obsessive thoughts, images of hurting others or yourself, constant doubts about something like cutting off an appliance, and intense stress when an object is not facing a certain way. Obsessions and rituals usually start off gradually and then work their way up and become more serve throughout a person’s life.

If you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, you know that it can be difficult to live with. However, there is hope and you can change with hard work and dedication: your disorder can be a thing of the past. There is effective treatment available that can lead you back to a normal life. There is therapy available called exposure and ritual prevention therapy.

This therapy is where the patient learns to slowly expose themselves to the things that cause them fear. The treatment is extremely effective and patients succeed if they stick to the treatment. The treatment helps by discussing why patients are doing rituals to begin with and how to break away from the fear of not needing to do compulsive things or rituals. It shows the patient they will survive if they do not perform these rituals or give in to their fears. Some people think that the therapy is a bit excessive, but this is not the case.

In order for a person to get over their fears, then they must face their fears. In exposure and ritual prevention therapy, a person that fears germs and bacteria would face their fear of germs. The patient that is afraid of germs is going to be pushed out of their bubble and out into the world to see that germs are everywhere but that you will still survive. The patient will be exposed to situations that will normally make them uncomfortable, like touching doorknobs constantly. Eventually, after enough exposure, that person will be able to understand that they are better off for not giving in to their fears. If you or someone you know has obsessive compulsive disorder, then seek therapy today for a new and better life.

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